Temasek Poly


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Friday, November 30, 2007
Week 48

december is almost here. this is going to be the busiest december so far.

school term is zooming past real fast. i rmb 1st week of the term in october we were still in 'holiday' mood. projects and tuts came started to pile up from the second week. and november just flew by.

december's gonna come and go soon.

mid sem tests in about 1 week. 10-15 dec. have to admit that i am not completely prepared and i am only starting to feel the urgency now.

yeah lots of sacrifice to be made at least during these 2 weekends.

its not sleeping in during the weekends morning and to the time efficiently and do productive things.

my list of things to do.

Subject prioritities: Marketing (last paper thus i always revise it first), MicroEcon, POM, Accounts & Bus Stat. done.

Important, Urgent:

  1. Marketing proj - research. (Sun night & Tue)
  2. Public speaking special ocassion (SO) assesment (Wed, Dec 5)
  3. Bus Stats mock paper. (Mon)
  4. Revision for mid sem
  5. Accounting Mock Test - Companies. (Fri, 7 Dec)

Importnat, Not Urgent:

  1. Econs article anaysis + Write up on demand
  2. POM project.
  3. Find out where's LT 14??! (Public speaking SO assesment)
  4. Public speaking persuasive/informative speech. (next year)

Not importnat, Not urgent:

  2. Photoblog - Jeff Aw party.
  3. Shop.

done. 4 more weeks to week 52. 28 days.

thats scary. 2008 is coming.



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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Festival of fun

I am extremely proud with all F.I.G cluster members who came for vibe.

Thanks to all F.I.G cluster members who helped to make festival of fun possible.

I was really encouraged by all of them helping out with the stall, staying throughout the whole thing & for co-operating.

It was really pleasant to see all of us united as one cluster and for taking ownership of the stall.


Thanks to Ppl who made our stall successful:

Ben for helping to manage the stall and people. haha more importantly, for helping to plan the strategies. thanks bro. u contributed a lot to the stall

Jabez for doing the promoting, on top of taking care of his friend. u'd definitely boosted our sales and help to cover more losses.

Gabriel Soh for handling & motivating his cell members when they got lazy. haha

Jeff Aw for helping us to settle the catered food and for all his friends who purchased lots of food from us.

Varick, sebastian, glen, aaron pang and whoever who went around using their influence to persuade ppl to buy.

Jon lee, jason, einson, timothy & 2 other guys (i don't know their names, i think they're from jabez's cell group) for serving the food and taking ownership of the stall.

Aloy (+friend) and Varick (+ friend) for participating in our activities.

Most importantly, everyone who bought our food/special meals/ ordered from us. haha

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Friday, November 23, 2007
it is muscle mass; i hope.

a regular commented tt i have not been posting recently.
it is true. lots of events and happenings but little posts.

because photoblogging takes up A LOT of time.

and schedule is really tight here. but i have been joyfully busy =) really, i like being busy than idling.

had public speaking impromtu assesment on wed.
give a 2 min impromtu speech with 2 min preparation.

haha now i know why it is so important to dress well for such occasions.

cos ppl words do make your day and secretly, it leaves you smiling inside for the entire day.

more importantly,
dressing up well helps you to look & FEEL professional and confident ;)

so on to photos from wed's marketing meeting.
read above incase you're wondering why the formal attire.

THE KOH & TAN 'working hard' during mtg. wake up your ideas!! haha.

the koh, the leong & the tan(2).

'i-do-not-like-taking-self-potrait-photos' look. lol

huiting, being huiting, was busy taking & posing for photos because she said,

'taking photos help me to think better!!' hahaha.

more updates,

1. school timetable is better after personalising it. it is as follows:

Mon: 11am-7pm.
Tue: 9am-4pm.
Wed: 9am-6pm.
Thu: 9am-11am.
Fri: 9am-1pm.

2. some of this sem subjects are rather killing.

Marketing fundamentals is very interesting, i like. period.

Accounting 2 gets worst.
it is a combination of playing during lectures, thinking that 'i know it all' during tutorials and not very passionate teachers.

haha reality is, follow that route and it adds up to regret and folly in the end.

so wake up call to myself; humble yourself and change your attitude. afterall, its your future.

Public speaking classmates are cool. would like to get to know them on a personal level but sadly, its more of a task group where we go our seperate ways after 6 months.

POManagement is easier to understand but given a choice, i prefer OB as its more challenging.

MicroEcons turns out to be harder than expected.

Business Statistics turned out to be more managable and interesting.

"Education is key in our Knowledge-based economy"

3. Streaming results are out. I got DIP IN BUSINESS.

4. I got up to 10 things or more to do/events in my radar screen now. this calls for efficient time mangement and realigning of priorities and for me its to hav total dependence on God. Christ must increse, we must decrease - John 3:30.

an effective strategy is to catergorise these events into 4 major categories:

a)Important, Urgent
b)Important, Not Urgent
c) Urgent, Not Important
d) Not Urgent, Not Important.

ps: u got to pay thousands to personal motivation coaches to learn this. haha will elaborate if i have the time.

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Monday, November 19, 2007
Youth Church: Festival of Fun

Festival of Fun (FOF) this sunday 25 Nov.
3pm - 8pm.

What is FOF?
- Carnival run by youths in celebration of the completion of our new church building.

What to expect at FOF?
- Live bands
- Food stalls
- Games (Pool championship, PS2/3 tournaments, station games)
- Flea market.
many more attractive stalls. come to find out.

Where is FOF held?
My church - BBTC. Bedok North Ave 3.

Contact me.



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Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's Done

Your preferences have been successfully updated on 11/15/2007 1:03:27 AM





yes having donuts during mktg project meeting is a good motivator. haha

i should suggest it to companies who actually pay millions of $ to hire coaches to motivate their employees.

its simple. food makes ppl think better. ppl bond over food.

yay i might become a top motivaton coach then i might earn my first million before i reach 21 ;) ha ha.

THANKS LIM & Crystale for going all the down to DONUT FACTORY to buy donuts before the meeting!! pleasant suprise.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Latest Update! Actually i am still thinking and praying. find it hard to give up the opportunities offered by TP marketing. haha critical thinking skills. beyond textbook. exciting.

oh because looking at tp marketing grads, lecturers, coure manager, seniors. they're just DIFFERENT. the way they do things, present, talk, think. secretly, it justs makes me goo 'wooow!'

prob is i also wanna try Finance & Hr (which is Dip in Bus)

Guess i am going to stick with what i wanted in the begining - Dip is Business :DD

Because TP Dip in Business allows students to major in 2 areas from a choice of 7.

My concept is to Generalise now, then specialise later. Econs tutor advised to Specialise now (i.e take a specific Diploma) then Generalise later (take a broad degree)

But i think otherwise.

However Marketing looks very attractive as there's challenge, real life projects, practical application, research. i like ;) :)

Dip in Business is equally attractive because its more general business stuff. and i get to major in TWO areas. this is crucially important in a Knowledge-Based Economy.

Which i am also interested in Finance (booming!) & Human Resource.

Here's a convo between N and i bout HR (managing ppl).

*Person X is someone who might back out at the last minute while doing something.

N: u do HR ah, imagine u manage 5 person X.

i continued with,

J: Die. like that everynight cannot sleep already...

N: ya lor. like that i also quit.

hahaha. but it shows a little truth of HR.

Other polys only allows one to major in one area.

so if you are thinking of doing Business and do not know what you really want, come to TEMASEK POLY - BUSINESS STUDIES GROUPING.

According to many lecturers, TP is the best business school in the east (well cause there's only 1 poly in the east) & the 2nd best Business School among the polys ;)

So here's my take.
I can always do marketing after grad. thats if i dont lose interest in it.

Youth Church!


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this is the city that never dies
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Course streaming selection has started today. But i am still contemplating between Dip in Marketing or Business.

Really. Whats really drawing me to

Strenghts of Marketing
1. Real life problems & cases
2. Real client-based projects
3. Challenging.
4. Attracted to the 'psychological' part or marketing.
like study how ppl think & how companies work through and, use people. haha

5. No exams.
But bear in mind its 30% project and 70% individual component. But i just found out that 70% individual component does include TESTS.

thats why the large emphasis Dip in Marketing places on projects & presentations is really attractive.

but the down side is:

to really excel in marketing, one has to be a cut above the rest. u have to be unique in your own way. the way you present, etc.

Dip in Business

Take more general subjects for 1 sem.

Time to discover hidden aspirations and interestes for any new subject.

Well my factors for choosing which Dip:

1. Interests. (which i say i have an equally strong interest for Marketing and Business-Finance&HR)

2. Personality. here i say Diploma in Business (Finance&HR) would suit me more.

3. Short-term opportunities. Dip in Marketing is definitely more attractive. Overseas trips, real life clients, etc.

4. Life Skills. Well Dip in Marketing is more practical and one would be trained in creative thinking, communication skills etc.

5. Long-term. Dip in Business would be more stable. Because i believe in HR & Finance, hardwork = results.

Whereas in Dip in Marketing, you would be more proned to external factors. rmb projects comprises of 30%

so its a tie. oh well got till friday.

This Course Streaming Service is available from13 November 2007, 10:00 AM to 16 November 2007, 5:00 PM.

i believe crossroads are perfect opportunity for christians to exercise faith :)

we got to take that step of faith to just trust that God will straighten out whatever path/route we take.

yes in the world there WILL be trouble, but Jesus promised peace to those who believe in him ;)


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Sunday, November 11, 2007
alabaster jar

Ah falling sick is bad. sore throats are bad. the burning feeling inside the throat is terrible. since yesterday, fever has been coming and going. well, only got myself to blame because of what i ate.

cant afford to fall sick now because of assesments and project meetings in school and there would be alot to catch up. cant afford to fall sick because i got quite a number of things to do this season.

Dear God, please heal me and grant me strength.


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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hideout cafe

**** PICS below ***

Course streaming selection starts next week. i actually decided that i would opt for Diploma in Business since the begininning.

but another side of me is thinking of Dip in marketing. the 100% coursework based (projects & presentations only) and NO EXAMS is really tempting. and furthermore, marketing looks very challenging and fun (opinion - unconfirmed)

however my heart tells me that ppl who excel in marketing are those very outgoing, outspoken ppl with lots of charisma (which is true). thats keeping me back.

on the other hand, together with many others, we have formed a negative perception towards logistics (no offence to those going there). haha old, stuffy warehouses and deliveryman doing their rounds for DHL or Cheers comes to my mind when i think of logistics.

but Logistics lecturers, convinced me THATS NOT TRUE. honestly, i agree that logistics ppl would really make it BIG out there (as there's great demand but little supply - econs) or simply put "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few" haha.

bearing in mind, it the duty and obligation of them to convince/persuade/ influence/ renew students mindsets and perceptions of logistics. which i say, they had done a good job. haha

even as i do this analysis, deep inside i have already settled on opting for Dip in Business :)

so i always say, follow your heart.


More backdated and latest events.

Sat 27 Oct - Cell outing to play board games (hideout cafe @ bedok)

that hand toy really released the inner child in most of us. ha ha just take a look:

teck chai trying to molest nic. sicko


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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Long due photos

Some overdue photos. rather busy with school & church events thus the delay ;)

FRI 19 OCT - CIA (cell) goes shopping for Waldy's present

feli wanted to take some artistic shots on the escalator. skill right?

and attempt 1

when everyone else is smiling, i am not bleh.

SAT 20 OCT- Waldy's birthday suprise

the preparation

suprised and happy waldy


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Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sense of purpose

Returning to school has instilled in me a great sense of purpose. A purpose seeks to accomplish something, keeps us focused and prevent us from idling.

my typical daily schedule during the holidays was wake up at noon (or later), eat, go out, watch tv/movies, go online. very mundane and it really sucks to wake up and realised tt HALF the day is GONE. haha

so yes back to my point. since the new term started, i really look forward to morning lessons. i dunno, but secretly deep inside, i really like to have breakfast at the dining table with my parents. yes the warmth feeling. presence. the quality time spent. :)

listening to all my dad's life experiences. his words of wisdom and knowledge. sharing with them bout schoollife. the feeling, as jabez would say when he trash me in fifa street on ps2, is beautiful.

yes i admit that my family drifted apart emotionally in the past years. we were so pre occupied with our busy schedules tt dinner was probably the only time where we came together as a family.

in the past i would just grab breakfast, eat while walking and rush rush rush. but since the term started, i have been delibrately waking up earlier so tt i can sit down and have a proper meal. i see God working thru my family :)

nothing happens by chance as Elder DF always says.
tata for now.



none other than rachel tan.


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