Temasek Poly


A little space where I channel my thoughts into. You might find something you agree with here, or you might not.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

i ran out of ideas on what to blog.

and we have enough useless blogs, flooding the internet with your typical "i want the world to know what i do everyday/hour/minute" entries.

so today i would talk bout things which serves to benefit the general public.

here's an extract of my public speaking assesment speech (draft) delivered a few months back.

Type: Persuassive speech.

DISCLAIMER: This speech was prepared with the intention of reaching out to students at a tertiary level (audience), as such viewer's discretion is advised for those under M18.

EXTRACT - Clubbing: Source of Entertainment or Entrapment?


According to a frequent clubber, people go clubbing because it offers a unique experience. Mr Warren Carter an expat wrote in his personal website “Some of these practises include music and dancing. Drinking and getting drunk. Patrons are dressed to kill and leave little to the imagination. Drinks, fun and sex are the goals of many who go clubbing.”

As an ex-clubber myself, I hate to say it but clubbing is actually an avenue where you are at most risk of becoming a victim of crime or worst, a moment of folly that might lead to a lifetime of regret.

So is clubbing really a source of entertainment or is it a source of entrapment?

Today I would tell you the dangers of clubbing and some socially responsible behaviour you should adopt should you intend to go clubbing.


some research materials that might interest you;

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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Today i shall talk about my work at KIAN SOON.

i work with screws. yes many type of screws of different sizes..
hahah dont worry its not as messed up as you think.

just recording screw's data, typing its details and labeling. in the simplest terms.

hm my friend 'working hard'..

Warehouse - Good place to relax and maybe day dream.. hahah

Daniel sent me this via MMS on Boss birthday. Boss treated everyone!

hahah got Tom Yam, chicken, fried rice shiok ah.. a pity i took off that day cause it was my birthday too!

as you can see, work's good.

i am blessed with with nice supervisors like AH LUM & Peter, a slacker buddy, Aunty Jenny and friendly colleagues ;)

most of all, as each hour passes, i feel a deep sense of accomplishment inside ;) ;)


theres alot of things i wanna say, what i really feel in my heart.

but we are all given a freewill and thats why i dont like imposing my beliefs on others.

maybe i'll shall start wtih one for now.

firstly i believe if you are unhappy with someone or about something, bring it up to the person directly.

talking behind one's back just shows the amount of courage you got, or rather the lack of it.

not implying that anyone's talking bad about me. haha.

yes i admit that at times i am guilty of it too, but as far possible i will be direct with ppl.

on this note, here's my take on how to deal with criticisms.

they are ppl in the world who just want to put others down.

like pastor df said, they are putting others down in a vain attempt to protect their low self-esteem.

inside they are insecure.

these ppl remarks simply contain little or no truth.

i would dare say that such people are probably just PURE JEALOUS.

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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

look at the SBS Buses serving Bukit Timah area.

They pay the same bus fare, by the way.

even the roads are wider there.
you know why? cause the ppl drive BIG cars..

and someone said the air's fresher too.. haha.

oh ask me if you want the album for my 18th party.



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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Remembering God

You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant

thank GOD for my poly SEM 1.2 RESULTS!!!!!!!

well i only told some close friends this, but my formula for sucess is
God's grace + hard work.

on another note, i have enroled for Basic Theory Test (Class 3) as a private candidate.
Basic Theory Test: 12 JUN 08. 8PM - 8.50PM.

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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.

Sunday, March 09, 2008
18th party.

just wanna say a big THANKS to those who helped out:

Ilyana, Hanafi, Rachel & Huiting for going early to set up the place, doing decorations and helping out with everything!

Bosses Isaac and Ben for planning the games/programme ;)


Ppl who made time despite their VERY busy and packed schedule:

Daniel for choosing brother over Gf haha. Joshua for clearing his plans. Daryl Ong. Ziko.

Jabez and Jessica for travelling from one end of Sg to the other end (literally).
travelling from CLEMENTI to PASIR RIS to join us for the cake cutting session.

and OF COURSE, everyone who turned up and many others who helped out!!!

will continue with another day. off to 1b20's class gathering.

pics will be uploaded soon. btw, friends please send me photos from ur cam.

on another note, should be taking off from work next wednesday ;) ;)

and oh, thanks for all the presents!! would review them soon

but next time would be good if you all could write your names on the present. hahah. thats something i often forget too.

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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
An Update.

Got a new vacation job! At some company dealing with screws.

the whole env reminds me of my temporary stint with Tang Import & Export (CNY'07). hahah.

Thank God for His provision ;)

Starting work tomorrow but with this Friday off.

8.30am - 6pm. 5 Day workweek.

Got to talk to Boss soon. need to work out something, with regards to my schedule for next week.

and of course my other holiday plans of enroling for Class 3 Basic Theory Test ;) ;)

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this is the city that never dies
because it is full of peace.