i ran out of ideas on what to blog.
and we have enough useless blogs, flooding the internet with your typical "i want the world to know what i do everyday/hour/minute" entries.
so today i would talk bout things which serves to benefit the general public.
here's an extract of my public speaking assesment speech (draft) delivered a few months back.
Type: Persuassive speech.
DISCLAIMER: This speech was prepared with the intention of reaching out to students at a tertiary level (audience), as such viewer's discretion is advised for those under M18.
EXTRACT - Clubbing: Source of Entertainment or Entrapment?
According to a frequent clubber, people go clubbing because it offers a unique experience. Mr Warren Carter an expat wrote in his personal website “Some of these practises include music and dancing. Drinking and getting drunk. Patrons are dressed to kill and leave little to the imagination. Drinks, fun and sex are the goals of many who go clubbing.”
As an ex-clubber myself, I hate to say it but clubbing is actually an avenue where you are at most risk of becoming a victim of crime or worst, a moment of folly that might lead to a lifetime of regret.
So is clubbing really a source of entertainment or is it a source of entrapment?
Today I would tell you the dangers of clubbing and some socially responsible behaviour you should adopt should you intend to go clubbing.
some research materials that might interest you;
Labels: Life and its issues, Research, TP school days